Belisario dos Santos Jr
Received his law degree from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School and holds a specialization in Administrative Law from PUC/SP and in Special Criminal Law from USP. Belisario has published several articles. Well-known for his extensive experience in Criminal Law and as a Human Rights advocate, he served as Secretary of Justice and Citizenship Defense for the State of São Paulo, having designed the State Human Rights Program, and implemented a series of public policies on consumer protection, public service user protection and victim protection. He was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TV network Fundação Padre Anchieta/ TV Cultura. He is currently a member of the Paulo Evaristo Arns Human Rights Committee, Chairman of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP)’s Human Rights Commission and member of the Executive Committee (ExCo) of the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, Switzerland.

Belisario dos Santos Jr

Guilherme Amorim Campos da Silva

Juliana Vieira dos Santos (office licensee)

Marco Antonio Rodrigues Nahum

Marcela Arruda (office licensee)

Eduardo Behar

Bianca Ruiz Manni

Claudia Roberta de Souza Inoue

Cryslaine Moura Leite Lizieiro

Diwlay Ferreira Ramos

Gabrielle Ferreira de Carvalho Issaac Chalita

Lauro Cesar Mazetto Ferreira

Lucas Fernando Serafim Alves

Luís Felipe M. D. de Queiroz

Raquel Grazzioli

Roberto Nucci Riccetto

Sidnei Camargo Marinucci